
EMA Digital Attacker Scorecard

By Torsten Volk on Apr 18, 2018 10:59:58 AM

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The Frustrations of Applied Machine Learning – A Not So Common Case Study

By Torsten Volk on Dec 17, 2017 1:33:54 PM

Now that I’ve predicted that in 2018 machine learning will be available to ‘average Joe developer,’ let me share my experience from this weekend. Note that I’m not trying to be a ‘cool geek’ by doing some hands on work (I’m way too old to still be cool), but based on all the machine learning and artificial intelligence buzz in 2017, I thought my use case should be quick, simple, and most importantly solving a problem that could otherwise not be solved.

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SDDC 2.0 with Kubernetes, Apigee, and Istio – Cisco’s Collaboration with Google Follows a Grander Vision

By Torsten Volk on Oct 27, 2017 10:13:23 AM

On October 25, Cisco and Google announced their hybrid cloud partnership, where Google brings the container runtime (Kubernetes), the platform to provide, manage, and consume APIs (Apigee), and of course a wide range of consumable cloud services (visual recogngition, machine learning, text to voice, etc.). Cisco contributes the hyperconverged infrastructure (Hyperflex) with Kubernetes management (Harmony), networking (Nexus 9k), and hybrid cloud management software (CloudCenter) to integrate Google’s public cloud services with the customer’s local data center.

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HPE Project New Stack – It’s a “Free Play”

By Torsten Volk on Jun 8, 2017 1:32:07 PM

At its Discover event this week, HPE announced its own multi cloud management platform: HPE Project New Stack.

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Dell EMC World – The Easy Button for Digital Transformation

By Torsten Volk on May 15, 2017 8:44:12 AM

“It feels like magic but it is technology,” and “we will help transform every company into a software company,” were the two quotes by Michael Dell that best summed up the spirit of  Dell EMC World 2017. These statements show the genuine excitement of a seasoned tech executive to attack the next challenge of his career: merging the Dell EMC brands -Pivotal, VMware, RSA, SecureWorks, and Virtustream- into one highly differentiated IT powerhouse.

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New EMA Research: 68% of Enterprises are Evaluating Containers TODAY

By Torsten Volk on Apr 27, 2017 12:59:03 PM

EMA's latest research shows that 68% of enterprises are in the process of evaluating container technologies. Why is everyone today so fascinated by containers? It reminds me of the OpenStack-mania in 2013. At the time I was convinced that VMware had set out to crush the hype, while IBM, Rackspace and a ton of VC funded startups oversold OpenStack to the highest degree. I still have my collection of USB sticks with OpenStack distributions from Piston, Mirantis and friends. Claiming that all I had to do was plugging these sticks into any piece of metal and I'd have Amazon EC2 running right under my desk was not a great idea and ultimately lead to a degree of frustration that made the Microsoft and VMware tax look attractive and ultimately turned Amazon Web Services into a $4.5 billion business.

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How to Unleash the Full Value of Hybrid Cloud

By admin on Oct 25, 2016 1:37:52 PM

In an ideal world, customers would be able to fully take advantage of the benefits of hybrid cloud by rationally matching infrastructure parameters -cost, performance, reliability, availability, security, regulatory compliance, scalability- with the requirements and dependencies of each application.

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VMware and OpenStack: A Marriage Made in Heaven?

By Torsten Volk on Mar 25, 2014 8:40:39 AM

As we -Evan and I- were ranting last week about how OpenStack and VMware fit together (see #EMACloudRants), we were mainly focusing on the central conundrum that VMware faces within this context: “Should we support an open platform that could commoditize away a substantial part of our profitable infrastructure business or should we ignore the threat and do our own thing”

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The State of the Software Defined Data Center

By Torsten Volk on Feb 3, 2014 11:15:45 AM

Of course, I always encourage practitioners to carefully study the full EMA research report on the “Obstacles and Priorities on the Journey to the Software-Defined Data Center” or at least read the research study summary or at the very least join the EMA SDDC Research webinar on February 18, but I still want to briefly summarize the key findings here.

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Highlights from IBM Analyst Insights 2013

By Torsten Volk on Nov 22, 2013 12:47:41 PM

As every year, IBM invited the analyst community to Stamford, CT, for a deep dialogue on today's most important topics in enterprise IT. Here is a short overview for everyone interested in IBM's current world view.

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