
Digital Marketing - Understand How People Buy

By John Santaferraro on Apr 22, 2020 2:12:48 PM

The Magic of the Buying Cycle

Increasing sales and revenue with digital marketing involves far more than generating leads. Too many marketers have focused their efforts almost entirely on demand generation at the expense of proactively moving leads through the funnel and closing more deals. EMA supports a balanced digital marketing approach that focuses on moving buyers forward at all points in their buying journey.

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Creating Personalized, Targeted Webinars

By John Santaferraro on Mar 10, 2020 6:55:41 PM

The best webinars are personalized and targeted. They are personalized by carefully considering and engaging those who will be attending the webinar. They are targeted by understanding the buying phase and persona of the audience. In other words, a webinar created with the audience in mind maps perfectly into digital marketing strategies created and carefully considers the different stages of the buying cycle. This is the way we do webinars here at EMA.

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10 Creative Options for Your 2020 Webinars

By John Santaferraro on Mar 10, 2020 6:44:31 PM

Webinars are boring…until you think outside the box and utilize creative ideas to wake up the minds of your attendees. Pick one of these ten creative options to revitalize your webinars in 2020.

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Engaging, Inspirational Webinars Drive the Most Leads

By John Santaferraro on Mar 10, 2020 6:34:01 PM

“Webinars are boring!” I’ve heard those exact words from both marketing leaders and webinar attendees. And for the most part it’s true. If you are still doing webinars in which the third-party pundit speaks first, then your company spokesperson gives a product pitch, your audience is probably mumbling those same words.

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