
EMA Research: Enabling Enterprise IT Management to Optimally Support Big Data

By Torsten Volk on Feb 6, 2014 8:45:26 AM

What does Big Data mean to traditional enterprise IT? Organizations of any size and industry are becoming more and more aware of the incredible importance of capturing, managing and analyzing the data available to them. The more comprehensively companies are able to tap structured and unstructured data sources, the quicker they can refresh this data and the more successfully they make this body of data available to all business units, the better they can develop advantages in the market place. Today’s business units are demanding the rapid implementation of these big data use cases, as well as optimal resiliency, cost efficiency, security and performance.

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Actionable Intelligence in 2013: Action will Define You

By John Myers on Feb 18, 2013 9:18:23 AM

If I told you in September that the Baltimore Ravens would win the Super Bowl in February and you did nothing with that information ( i.e. place a bet, announce your prognostication skill, etc. ), was my prediction worth anything? Much like “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make a sound?”, you need action from a piece of analysis, prediction, etc. to make it worthwhile.

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Knowledge Delivery in 2013: Imagination is More Important than Knowledge

By John Myers on Feb 11, 2013 9:57:31 AM

Albert Einstein once said:

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100 Lines about 25 Business Intelligence Topics for 2013

By John Myers on Jan 17, 2013 1:11:35 PM

I have always loved the song “88 Lines about 44 Women” by the Nails.  And based on some recent success with a blogging topic relating to the songs of the 80s, I thought that I would continue that theme with “100 Lines about 25 Business Intelligence Topics”. Think of this list, or series of lists, as a wide ranging set of predictions, topics for discussion and observations relating to the business intelligence and data warehousing domain for the upcoming year.

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What Big Data Is Not

By John Myers on Dec 7, 2012 1:12:00 PM

Next week, EMA and 9sight will hold a webinar covering our Big Data research findings.  Among our insights will be that Big Data has evolved. Moving forward, Big Data isn’t:

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