
RSA Conference 2023: A “Stronger Together” Moment for Cybersecurity

By Ken Buckler on May 8, 2023 1:15:00 AM

The 2023 RSA Conference was one of the largest and most impactful cybersecurity events of the year. The conference brought together a large number of exhibitors, training sessions, and sponsor briefings and generated a lot of buzz on social media platforms, such as Twitter and LinkedIn. We took some time to analyze the data from social media and the conference and found some interesting trends.

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Return on Investment (ROI) of Data Science as a Service

By John Myers on Aug 18, 2014 10:31:56 AM

In skiing, the “black diamond” run or ski slope is often referred to as “high risk/high reward.” You receive lots of “reward” skiing the black diamond slopes, but you have a significant amount of “risk” associated with variable terrain, such as the presence of trees and the possibility of injury. However, the black diamond slopes are very fun to experience, and you can mitigate the risks with preparation, practice, and a really good skiing helmet.

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