
The Emergence of the Unified Analytics Warehouse

By John Santaferraro on Aug 21, 2020 12:37:39 PM

The race for a unified analytics warehouse is on. The data warehouse has been around for almost three decades. Shortly after big data platforms were introduced in the late 2000s, there was talk that the data warehouse was dead—but it never went away. When big data platform vendors realized that the data warehouse was here to stay, they started building databases on top of their file system and conceptualizing a data lake that would replace the data warehouse. It never did.

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100 Lines about 25 Business Intelligence Topics for 2013

By John Myers on Jan 17, 2013 1:11:35 PM

I have always loved the song “88 Lines about 44 Women” by the Nails.  And based on some recent success with a blogging topic relating to the songs of the 80s, I thought that I would continue that theme with “100 Lines about 25 Business Intelligence Topics”. Think of this list, or series of lists, as a wide ranging set of predictions, topics for discussion and observations relating to the business intelligence and data warehousing domain for the upcoming year.

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