
Dell SecureWorks and Risk I/O team up to deliver a better kind of Vulnerability Management

By David Monahan on Apr 29, 2014 11:56:20 AM

On April 23rd, 2014 Dell announced its new Vulnerability Threat Monitoring and Prioritization service delivered through the SecureWorks Counter Threat Platform.  This managed service was created to expand the current Vulnerability Management offerings and increase customer value by creating the ability for customers to integrate their own vulnerability management systems.  With the additional context provided through Risk I/O, remediation and mitigation prioritization are done less in a bubble of the operational environment and more in context with the Internet threat universe.

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A Collaborative Journey to the Cloud

By Torsten Volk on Aug 1, 2012 9:42:00 AM

When I picked “The Journey to the Cloud” as the working title for one of my fall research projects, I triggered some immediate reactions from colleagues and customers, whose opinions I value. And while I typically do not place too much importance on selecting a working title and also did not intend to just warm up an earlier research piece on that same topic, these reactions prompted me to take a minute to think about how we can best target our research for maximum customer benefit. As EMA is conducting this research for our customers – vendors and end users – why not talk to exactly these people to find out which specific issues they want to learn more about? And so we did…

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