
Business Intelligence as You Want It

Nov 30, 2011 10:26:31 AM

TIBCO Updates Cloud-based Analytics

In September, TIBCO Software announced the latest update of its on-demand business analytics platform -  TIBCO Silver Spotfire® 2.0.  The prepackaged graph, chart and dashboard functionality in TIBCO Silver Spotfire 2.0 provides the type of data visualization functionality non-IT staff members can deploy easily.  This functionality has a level of maturity that business users will adopt quickly.  TIBCO Silver Spotfire provides an overall speed to implementation that allows organizations developing their business intelligence and data visualization requirements to make quick adjustments to existing business intelligence projects within Silver Spotfire 2.0 and fast implementations to either develop prototype visualizations or implements new business intelligence requirements.


TIBCO Silver Spotfire 2.0 works with knowledge management systems like corporate information portals, wikis and Microsoft SharePoint implementations to embed data visualizations directly into content sources.  Expanding the distribution to these content sources expands the footprint and influence of those data visualizations.   Silver Spotfire also links with tibbr – TIBCO’s enterprise social collaboration solution.  By integrating with tibbr, Silver Spotfire data visualizations can be placed into discussion streams and real-time communication formats key to the increasingly important communication avenue of social collaboration.

Rich Simplicity

Overall, Silver Spotfire 2.0 provides an intriguing mix of simplicity; context based and social collaboration; and mobile connectivity to go with its business intelligence functionality in a cloud-based solution.  Being cost effective is only the opening for TIBCO with Silver Spotfire. Silver Spotfire 2.0 provides a level of functionality many users would expect in an on-premise solution but without many of the associated upfront time and costs.

Additional EMA Content

For more information on TIBCO Spotfire’s latest on-premise version, see EMA’s recent Impact Brief on TIBCO Spotfire 4.0.

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John Myers

Written by John Myers

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