While service catalogs are not new, they are becoming increasingly critical to enterprises seeking to optimize IT efficiencies, service delivery and business outcomes. They are also a way of supporting both enterprise and IT services, as well as optimizing IT for cost and value with critical metrics and insights. In this blog we’ll look at [...]
The Enterprise Service Catalog—Unifying IT Services for the Digital Age
Aug 26, 2016 9:11:11 AM

Written by Dennis Drogseth
Dennis joined Enterprise Management Associates in 1998 and currently manages the New Hampshire office. He has been a driving force in establishing EMA's New England presence. Dennis brings several years of experience in various aspects of marketing and business planning for service management solutions. He supports EMA through leadership in IT Service Management (ITSM), CMDB systems, as well as megatrends like advanced operations analytics, cross-domain automation systems, IT-to-business alignment, and service-centric financial optimization. Dennis also works over several practice areas to promote dialogue across critical areas of technology and market interdependencies. Dennis also helped to build the network management practice area at EMA.