
What Big Data Is Not

Dec 7, 2012 1:12:00 PM

Next week, EMA and 9sight will hold a webinar covering our Big Data research findings.  Among our insights will be that Big Data has evolved. Moving forward, Big Data isn’t:

  • merely a technology definition
  • solely Hadoop implementations
  • just petabyte and above
  • only used by Data Scientists

Big Data is maturing to the point where business use cases are becoming more important than technological platforms.

In fact, if there was a single takeaway from the EMA / 9sight Big Data Research findings, it is that there is now an ecosystem of platforms serving Big Data requirements. This is as opposed to the concept of a single technology platform that can handle all of the requirements in a Big Data environment. This maturing of the marketplace and developing nature of the business requirements for Big Data initiatives have resulted in what EMA calls the Hybrid Data Ecosystem.

The technical aspects of Hybrid Data Ecosystem have been in place for some time. However, the business applications of Big Data initiatives are just beginning to develop and be adopted by a wider set of industries. It is clear that there are certain industry segments that are leading the way for Big Data implementations. Innovators include Media and PR, Retail and Leisure. The Finance and Industrial industry segments exemplify the Early Adopters. Yet, it is the Early Majority and Late Majority Adopters who will be looking not just for technical implementations, but also for specific and attainable business use cases to support their implementations.

Join Shawn Rogers, Barry Devlin and me on December 13th for more information about the Big Data research results and for a live “Q and A” session with your questions about Big Data.


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John Myers

Written by John Myers

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