Let us look at a hypothetical example to better understand the difference between the traditional bottom-up approach to hybrid cloud management and the new business-driven paradigm. In Q4 of 2016, a bank wants to gain a 3% market share in North America with its trading tools directed toward savvy end customers that are between 30 and 40 years old, have an average household income of over $100k, and live in California. After reaching the Q4 goal, this same bank sets itself the new objective of defending its IRA market share against aggressive competition in California.
The Business Defined Hybrid Cloud – Or Why the Software Defined Data Center Needs a Brain
By Torsten Volk on Mar 15, 2017 10:49:46 AM
Android (operating system)
Apple Inc.
Amazon Web Services
cloud computing
IT Management
Google Chrome
Market share
American Funds
Android Nougat
hybrid cloud
Software Defined Data Center
Torsten Volk
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