
Dennis Drogseth

Dennis joined Enterprise Management Associates in 1998 and currently manages the New Hampshire office. He has been a driving force in establishing EMA's New England presence. Dennis brings several years of experience in various aspects of marketing and business planning for service management solutions. He supports EMA through leadership in IT Service Management (ITSM), CMDB systems, as well as megatrends like advanced operations analytics, cross-domain automation systems, IT-to-business alignment, and service-centric financial optimization. Dennis also works over several practice areas to promote dialogue across critical areas of technology and market interdependencies. Dennis also helped to build the network management practice area at EMA.

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Best Practices for Maximizing Efficiencies – Governance and Optimization

By Dennis Drogseth on May 8, 2015 12:56:04 PM

In my last blog, I talked about “IT Cultural Transformation and the Elimination of Technology Silos.” That blog keyed on four key areas of advice, which also provide a useful foundation for the topic of “Governance and Optimization.” These key areas include: Standing in the middle of the storm –This means looking at the interdependencies [...]

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IT Cultural Transformation and The Elimination of Technology Silos—An Exercise in Efficiency or a Dream Turned Nightmare?

By Dennis Drogseth on Mar 13, 2015 12:48:19 PM

Cultural transformation and eliminating IT silos may sound like an impossible dream—and indeed, perhaps “eliminating” is too strong a word. But the reality is that IT organizations must change toward a more responsive, business-aligned culture, as well as toward a more service-aware (versus siloed) way of working. So how do you begin? A lot depends, [...]

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The Changing Game of IT Service Management

By Dennis Drogseth on Jan 5, 2015 12:11:01 PM

If you think that ITSM is static and old hat, think twice. A huge number of innovations are just emerging—some have been a long time in coming; while others are unexpected surprises—as analytics and automation are changing the ITSM game dramatically. Here are some trends that I’ve seen in 2014 that I expect will grow [...]

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Optimizing Change by Understanding Value

By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 31, 2014 1:29:02 PM

A little over a year ago, I got into a rather animated argument about whether IT could measure its performance by the “value” it delivered rather than by purely measuring “costs.” My dinner companion insisted that IT could now, always, and forever only be measured on costs. I disagreed. In fact I had just planned [...]

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Why Advanced Operational Analytics (AOA) is NOT for 20 men or women in white lab coats!

By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 1, 2014 7:34:25 PM

You may have noticed that Advanced Operational Analytics is a topic of ongoing interest for blogs and commentary here at EMA, and I suppose this is especially true for me. In a recent blog focusing on “Transformative Use Cases from EMA Research” we looked at using the modular values of AOA to address everything from [...]

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Why Optimizing your Cloud Service Provider(s)—is Still an Industry Work in Progress

By Dennis Drogseth on Jun 23, 2014 1:28:48 PM

A year ago, EMA did some rather eye-opening research about what it takes to deliver business services over a mix of public and private, and non-cloud infrastructures. The research—dubbed “Ecosystem Cloud”—showed that an overwhelming 94% of the respondents felt that monitoring “inside” public cloud infrastructures was important—and 63% felt it was “very important” or “critical.” [...]

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Advanced Operational Analytics (AOA) – Transformative Use Cases from EMA Research

By Dennis Drogseth on Jun 9, 2014 10:16:37 AM

Steve Smythe discusses how IT Operations is transformed by big data solutions in his latest blog, “Transformation of IT operations with big data solutions.” Is this a reality? The answer—agreed upon here—is almost certainly “yes.” However, it should be pointed out that “big data,” or “IT Operations Analytics,” or as EMA calls it, “Advanced Operational [...]

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Integrated ITSM—the Service Desk + Operations + Analytics

By Dennis Drogseth on May 16, 2014 9:05:13 AM

It’s fascinating how the meaning for just about every term relevant to service management can be a matter of debate—including IT Service Management itself (a discussion for another time).  However, what’s sparking this blog centers around the three other terms in the headline—“service desk,” “Operations” and “Analytics,” plus a fourth—“cognitive computing.” In reading Brian Jeffrey’s [...]

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Graph Databases–and Their Potential to Transform How We Capture Interdependencies

By Dennis Drogseth on Nov 18, 2013 2:10:15 PM

Discovering, capturing and making sense of complex interdependencies is central to running IT organizations more effectively, and it is also a critical part of running the businesses IT serves. Whether it’s optimizing a network, or an application infrastructure, managing change, or providing more effective security-related access—more often than not these problems involve a complex set [...]

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User Experience Management Panel in Boston

By Dennis Drogseth on Mar 21, 2012 1:27:25 PM

User Experience Management (UEM) continues to capture interest in the marketplace.  And yet it remains somewhat elusive. So, what is User Experience Management really?  It’s gone by many other names in the past, such as Quality of Experience (QoE), and has other incarnations in the present such as Real User Management (RUM).   Older, typically network-centric [...]

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