I thought I’d begin the year by making some predictions about what to look for in 2016 in the area of IT service management (ITSM). For those of you who have been following my blogs with any regularity, and particularly for those who sat in on our webinar for the research report “What Is the [...]
Dennis Drogseth

Recent Posts
2016: Looking Ahead at ITSM—Want to Place Any Bets?
By Dennis Drogseth on Jan 22, 2016 12:52:29 PM
Who Owns User and Customer Experience Management?
By Dennis Drogseth on Jan 22, 2016 12:52:28 PM
There is growing industry attention to user, customer, and digital experience management—often condensed by the acronym UEM for “user experience management.” This attention is more than justified, but most of the buzz leaves out critical questions like, “What is user experience management?”, “Who really runs (or who should run) the UEM show in the digital [...]
Why Analytics and Automation Are Central to ITSM Transformation
By Dennis Drogseth on Nov 9, 2015 11:12:00 AM
In research done earlier this year, we looked at changing patterns of IT service management (ITSM) adoption across a population of 270 respondents in North America and Europe. One of the standout themes that emerged from our findings was the need for the service desk to become a more automated and analytically empowered center of [...]
Digital Transformation and the New War Room
By Dennis Drogseth on Nov 3, 2015 10:42:46 AM
In August EMA surveyed 306 respondents in North America, England, France, Germany, Australia, China and India about digital and IT transformation. The goal was in part to create a heat map around just what digital and IT transformation were in the minds of both IT and business stakeholders. We targeted mostly leadership roles, but also [...]
Process, Dialog, and Workflow: A Formula for Interconnection and Automation
By Dennis Drogseth on Sep 24, 2015 11:42:46 AM
As a follow-up to my previous columns on change management, I’d like to step back a little and shine a light on an even broader landscape. Here I’ll touch briefly on process, dialog, and workflow as a triad that can help IT organizations move forward toward a more efficient and potentially more business-aligned way of [...]
Optimizing Change Management for Cloud, Agile, and Mobile: How the Technologies Are Evolving
By Dennis Drogseth on Aug 13, 2015 11:42:45 AM
This is the third blog in my series on change management. In the first, I examined both the processes and the use cases associated with managing change. In the second, I looked at metrics, best practices, and pitfalls. In this third blog, I’ll look at how the technologies for service modeling, automation, visualization, and self-service [...]
Change Management—Metrics, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 31, 2015 11:42:45 AM
This is part two of a three-part series. In part one, I addressed the question, “What is change management?” and examined change management from the perspectives of both process and use case. In this blog, I’ll look at what it takes to make change management initiatives succeed—including metrics and requirements, best practice concerns, and some [...]
Change Management—The Big Picture
By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 20, 2015 11:42:44 AM
This is the first of a three-part series on change management. In this blog, I’ll try to answer the question, “What is change management?” from both a process and a benefits (or use-case) perspective. In the second installment, I’ll address best practices for both planning for and measuring the success of change management initiatives. I’ll [...]
ITSM Futures: A Closer Look at Mobile and Unified Endpoint Management
By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 8, 2015 11:42:43 AM
In my last blog, I discussed how IT service management (ITSM) roles (and rules) are becoming more operations-aware. The blog examined a number of key game-changers for ITSM, including a growing requirement for shared analytics; the rise (not the demise) of the CMDB/CMS and service modeling; cloud as both a catalyst for innovation and a [...]
The Future of ITSM: How Are the Roles (and the Rules) Changing?
By Dennis Drogseth on May 28, 2015 8:09:36 AM
Both the “rules” and the “roles” governing IT service management (ITSM) are evolving to support a far-broader need for inclusiveness across IT, and between IT and its service consumers. Recent EMA research, “What Is the Future of IT Service Management?” (March 2015), exposed a number of shifting trends that might surprise many in the industry. [...]