
From AI to Zero Trust: Decoding Cybersecurity Trends for 2024

By Chris Steffen on Dec 22, 2023 4:09:04 PM

In 2024, we will continue to see globally significant advancements in information security and regulatory compliance spending for organizations of all sizes. From zero trust architecture to the integration of AI-driven solutions and the growing emphasis on regulatory alignment, 2024 will redefine how organizations safeguard sensitive information, navigate compliance complexities, and fortify their API ecosystems. Understanding and adapting to these transformative trends will be pivotal for businesses aiming to stay resilient, secure, and compliant in a time noted for rapid technological advancements and stringent regulatory landscapes. Here are our predictions for information security in 2024.

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Star Wars Day – How Security Failures Led to the Empire’s Downfall

By Chris Steffen on May 4, 2023 9:58:11 AM

To celebrate Star Wars Day, I thought I would share a few ways in which the Empire did not adhere to information security best practices, and that enabled the Rebels to win.

To be clear: I do not support the Empire, the Sith Lords, or any other types of scum and villainy. Nor am I trying to portray the Rebel Alliance as a weird, Force-wielding, Galactic hacker consortium or something. But had the Empire not been so lax in their security controls, Emperor Palpatine and his buddies might have been able to bring their “order and peace” to the galaxy.

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Five Key Identity Governance Features That Your Identity and Access Management Solution Does NOT Support

By Steve Brasen on Mar 18, 2021 9:23:32 AM

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, identity management has taken center stage as the key enterprise security practice for enabling remote workforces while protecting company data and IT services. Though much of the media hype has focused on evolving technologies in enterprise identity and access management (IAM)—such as enabling passwordless and multifactor authentication—it is often overlooked that identity governance and administration (IGA) is experiencing its own renaissance not only due to pandemic-related access requirements, but also in support of recently-enacted compliance regulations, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

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Three Opportunities to Create Positive Experiences with Consumer IAM

By Steve Brasen on Sep 10, 2020 2:53:42 PM

One-half of one second—that is how brief of a time-span it seemingly can take for a business to lose a customer. Gaining and retaining consumer attention is something of a nuanced art form and science that can be completely undone by an easily misplaced word or a cumbersome process. Businesses frequently lose customers not because they have an inferior product or service but simply because, for some reason, the customers had a brief negative experience. While it is impossible to control what customers are thinking and feeling at any given time, it is clear that many of these negative impressions are self-inflicted by businesses that fail to create welcoming environments. Unfortunately, many organizations find it difficult to adopt CIAM approaches that enable favorable consumer experiences without violating security requirements. After all, the primary purpose of CIAM is to protect a business’s intellectual property, secure private customer information, and prevent account misuse or fraud.

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