
Oracle Continues MA Activities with Endeca

By John Myers on Oct 19, 2011 12:49:21 PM

Yesterday, Oracle announced their intent to purchase Endeca, a vendor of unstructured data management and web commerce solutions.

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Begin with End in Mind for Big-Data Analytics

By John Myers on Oct 16, 2011 12:32:41 PM

Many times when discussing the topic of big-data, the focus is on the volume of the data, the structure of the data or the near real-time analysis requirements of the data.  We toss around buzzwords like Hadoop, structured vs unstructured, etc…. However, often times what is missed are the analysis goals of the big-data environment.

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Bom Dia! Views from 5430ft

By John Myers on Oct 16, 2011 12:32:40 PM

It is fantastic to part of the Enterprise Management Associates team and with that comes the opportunity to share insights and opinions via blog on the topics of:

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Optimizing Cloud for Business Service Delivery: it is easier said than done!

By Dennis Drogseth on Sep 29, 2011 12:32:38 PM

The industry seems to be nearing an inflection point in its attitudes towards cloud computing—as best I can tell from headlines, commentaries and ongoing dialog with IT deployments and vendors.   If I had to put a few simple words around it, the era of “mythic hype” surrounding cloud is nearing its end and diffusing into a much [...]

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BSM Analytics: What Are They? And Why Should You Care? Part One

By Dennis Drogseth on Sep 26, 2011 12:10:11 PM

See Dennis’ recent blog post on the state of BSM Analytics, posted at BSM Digest, here: http://www.bsmdigest.com/bsm-analytics-what-are-they-and-why-should-you-care-part-one

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Cloud’s Iron Fist

By Dennis Drogseth on Aug 30, 2011 11:37:39 AM

See Dennis’ recent blog post on the state of cloud computing, posted at BSM Digest, here: http://www.bsmdigest.com/clouds-iron-fist

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How to Manage Your IT Ecosystem– or ITIL v7

By Dennis Drogseth on Jul 24, 2011 3:24:00 PM

Maybe the 21st Century is the Age of Ecosystems.  I suppose the largest for now is our planet.   Taken abstractly, the term “ecosystem” can apply well beyond natural and manmade interdependencies, to political, religious and business- and organizational-driven ecosystems.  And while the concept is a good one, and in some senses a cause for optimism— [...]

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CMDB Systems: the Quiet Revolution

By Dennis Drogseth on Jun 27, 2011 1:41:29 PM

The notion that the CMDB is now entering a “mature” phase
is naïve, and in many respects refuted by the high levels of innovation
attested to here. We are admittedly looking at toddlers learning
to walk, but what a transformation they may bring to the market, and to our
whole view of service management, as they take their first few steps!!

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On the Menu at The Systems Cafe

By Steve Brasen on May 23, 2011 3:15:18 PM

Welcome to The Systems Café!  Those who seek refuge herein will have the dubious honor of experiencing my stunningly opinionated ramblings on systems management topics, issues, news, rumors and general agita.  Don’t be intimidated by the topic – I’ll do most of the talking.  So, grab yourself a double-shot mocha latte and a blueberry scone and meet me at my favorite table for our discussion.  It’s the one over there under the lamp shaped like Rear Admiral Grace Hopper’s hat.  Go on, I’ll wait…

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The Virtues of a Living Conversation Versus one Frozen in Stone

By Dennis Drogseth on Apr 14, 2011 7:56:54 AM

EMA consulting once did an analysis of why strategic service management initiatives fail.  These ranged from cross-domain performance management initiatives, to configuration management initiatives with CMDB/CMS enabling foundations,  to company-wide asset management initiatives to name a few.    Of the top ten reasons for failure, only the bottom two (Integration and Discovery) were technology-related.    Three of [...]

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